This document records the situation in the sphere of disability at the moment of signing by Belarus of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. In spite of the fact that the document will not have any legal force in the future it can become a starting point for preparation of official reports by the state.
- The signing doesn’t oblige the country to prepare national topical reports on the progress in realization of the convention it should be done only after its ratification. The first time in two years and then – every 4 years. The document prepared by public will be useful as an element of recording the situation and later it can be used for preparation of official and alternative reports – explains the director of the Office for the rights of persons with disabilities Enira Bronitskaya. – Besides, the existence of the report will help the state not to forget about the need to ratify the UN Convention.
It is planned that the document’s preparation will have been finished by May 5 – International day for the rights of persons with disabilities. The largest NGOs of persons with disabilities are ready to become a part of the initiative: Belarusian society of disabled, Office for the rights of persons with disabilities, Belarusian association for assistance to disabled children and young disabled, Republican association of wheelchair-bound disabled, Belarusian association of blind, Belarusian society of deaf. The organizations will start working after coordination of their activities with Presidiums. Any organization or a person can join to the creation of the zero report and if you want to do it write to e-mail info@disright.org.