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Exhibition “Accessibility Symbol” in Minsk. October 22-31


Opening ceremony of the “Accessibility Symbol” exhibition took place in the art room “ЦЭХ” on October 22nd. The exhibition will be working for 10 days and you can visit it in Minsk, Nezavisimosti av. 58, building 6.

The ceremony was held in an intimate circle of persons holding the same views and everybody was impressed by the show by Patricia Kurganova, a laureate of international contests of singers, a participant of the Russian project “Voice” and the main thing – the person who inspired a lot of talented persons with disabilities, who are dreaming to realize their potential. Guests from the Republican association of wheelchair-bound disabled held master-class on secure accompanying and overcoming barriers.

This event is just a part of our global informational campaign “Accessibility”, the aim of which is the elimination of not only architectural but also mental, legal, economic barriers that persons with disabilities are facing each day. We want to popularize the principles of accessibility and its symbol among different state and commercial structures, so that it would become a really prestigious sign of quality of their social policy – said the director of the Office for the rights of persons with disabilities Enira Bronitskaya.

Exposition’s creation became the logical continuation of the contest on the best accessibility symbol, organized by the Office for the rights of persons with disabilities. About 60 projects were sent to the contest and any person could offer his vision of the symbol not taking into account his occupation and design skills. The best works were defined in spring 2013 and the nominees and the winners were named in the frames of “Accessibility Week”, which took place in Minsk on May 17-21.