Specialists of the Association of Life-Learning and Enlightenment in cooperation with experts of the Office for the right of persons with disabilities prepared recommendations on inclusion in the sphere of informal education. This work is unique for Belarus, because if the topic of inclusion was discussed in Belarus in the past it was only in the context of traditional education.
If NGOs, educational groups and courses take the prepared advices as the basis it will help people with disabilities to study and to get new knowledge and skills. It will make all the system of informal education more accessible.
Andrei Levko, the executive director of the Association of Life-Learning and Enlightenment, says that for many organizations, especially commercial, it can become an advantage giving the possibility to compete with other organizations rendering paid educational services.
The recommendations on inclusion of informal education consist of seven blocks: introduction and closing give a general look at the situation in Belarus, other parts show the peculiarities of education of persons with different types of disabilities. These recommendations will let to plan educational programs taking into account the needs of different groups, such as persons with hearing impairments, vision impairments and blind, wheelchair-bound and others.
The prepared recommendations are aimed at realization of the “high” norms and principles of UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in practice, says the coordinator of the Office for the rights of persons with disabilities Sergey Drozdovskiy. The record of “peculiarities” in the system of informal education will provide the accessibility of education and in the future will give people with disabilities an opportunity to be competitive at labour market.